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SAG-AFTRA Federal Credit Union,
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About Us

Welcome to SAG-AFTRA Federal Credit Union

From Coogan accounts to young performer and teen access accounts, auto and home loans, investments, retirement and estate planning, SAG-AFTRA FCU provides superior financial services to everyone in the business of entertaining, at every stage of life.

Our Philosophy

We exist solely to serve the financial needs of our members. We measure our success by the fiscal soundness of the credit union, by the breadth and quality of service to our members, and by increasing our membership from the ranks of SAG-AFTRA.

All products and services of the credit union will be designed to elevate the comfort level of each member at any given point in their transactional relationships with the credit union. Bearing this in mind, it is the policy of the credit union to seek constant improvement in this area by continuous quantitative, statistical and empirical research across our member base and the SAG-AFTRA performer community, to find areas where current products and services can be improved, new products and services can be implemented to meet performer community needs and to measure the quality of our service both statistically and in the perception of the performer community. We define our success by how well we meet these needs and we continually strive for improvement.

Our tagline, 'Outperforming at Every Stage', is a simple philosophy that drives everyone at SAG-AFTRA FCU. And since 1962, empowered by the unity of all our members, we've lived up to that promise.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to providing superior financial services at the best possible rates to meet the unique needs and requirements of the professional performer community and to nourish and improve the financial welfare of that performer community while maintaining the fiscal soundness of our Credit Union.

Our History

Los Angeles AFTRA Federal Credit Union was founded in 1962 as a financial resource for members of the American Federation of Television & Radio Artists. In 1971 the name was changed to Southern California SAG-AFTRA Federal Credit Union to reflect eligibility of members of the Screen Actors Guild. The credit union went national in 1976 and changed its name to the current SAG-AFTRA Federal Credit Union.

What started out as a small cooperative effort has grown to over 22,000 members nationwide with more than $407 million in assets. Imagine it – thousands of people just like you, saving their money together under one roof. The result is more financial clout for all of our members at every stage of life.

Our Business Plan

Member-owned and directed by a volunteer Board, SAG-AFTRA FCU is a federally-insured financial cooperative funded by the deposits you make. Our money is your money and we work for you. And when we make a profit, you get the return in the form of exclusive financial services and extremely competitive rates.

Our Promise

For over sixty years, our goal has been to help members realize their financial goals. And for decades to come we'll keep working to exceed them – to outperform at every stage.